Affiliate – 23x
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Flat 5% Commision

Have a potential to sell. Share latest deals on our products with your audience through affiliated links. Earn upto 5% commision in affiliate fees from qualifying purchases.

Min Payout - Rs.100/- Only

When purchases though affiliated links cross the threshold of Rs. 100. You get 5% commision on every over and above puchase.

Simple Payment Terms

Simply you drive people to buy our Products and get paid. It can't get simple than that.

Quick Payout Terms

You don't have to wait whole month for your payment. We pay you through Paytm only for quick payout as soon as possible.

Signup/Login on the 23x Affiliate Portal Now Affiliate Program

Welcome to the 23x affiliate marketing programme. The 23x affiliate programme helps content creators, publishers and bloggers monetize their traffic with latest deals available on our products available on 23x, associates use easy links to direct traffic to 23x and earn commisions from affiliated links with qualified purchases.

Signup/Login on the 23x Affiliate Portal Now

How Much Can I Earn In a Month?

There is no limit to how much you can earn with our 23x Affiliate Program.

But, here is a random calculation for sample monthly earnings, just for your reference:

Let’s assume you share 10 deals everyday on 20-25 different platforms (various Facebook Profiles and Groups, Instagram, Whatsapp Groups, Your Website, Your Blog, Other Social Media channels etc.)

Total No. of People Reached (based on above assumption): 4,00,000
No. of visitors sent to 25% of 4,00,000= 1,00,000
No. of People Buying: 3% of 1,00,000= 3000
Average Order Value: Rs.250/- (Assume)
Total Order Value Generated in month: 7,50,000/-
Commission Generated: 5% of 28,000/- = 37,500/-

Total Earnings in a month with Affiliate Program


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